February 19, 2025: Our paper on geometrical adiabatic amplification in non-Hermitian systems is now published in Physical Review Research!
January 22, 2025: Intercontinental collaboration on geometrical responses of generalized Landau Levels is now on arXiv! arXiv:2501.11519
January 17, 2025: Collaboration with Jie Wang group at Temple University on lattice realization of Landau levels is now on arXiv! arXiv:2501.09742
January 10, 2025: Collaboration with the Gadway group at the University of Illinois and Pennsylvania State University on Aharonov-Bohm caging with Rydberg atoms is now published in Nature Physics!
December 6, 2024: Collaboration with St-Jean group in Montreal on the observation of the quantized Hall response in photonic Chern bands in synthetic frequency dimensions is now on arXiv! arXiv:2412.04347
October 10, 2024: Carlos Camacho, a Ph.D. student from University of Birmingham in UK, is visiting us for two months!
September 23, 2024: Henning and Tomoki wrote a paper on geometric adiabatic amplification in non-Hermitian systems. Check it out at arXiv:2409.13595!
September 6, 2024: Our note explaining the relation between the many-body Chern number and the Hall conductivity is now published in Comptes Rendus Physique!
September 4, 2024: Paper proving the uniqueness of the lowest Landau level has now been published in Physical Review Research!
August 22, 2024: Ryo's work on bulk-entanglement spectrum correspondence has been published in Physical Review Research!
July 18, 2024: Greta's work on mean-chiral displacement in driven-dissipative systems has been published in Communications Physics!
July 1, 2024: Professor Henning Schomerus from Lancaster University is visiting our group until the end of August!
June 12, 2024: Collaboration with RMIT in Australia on a synthetic frequency dimension using a lithium niobate ring resonator is published in Communications Physics!
June 5, 2024: Collaboration with Illinois and Birmingham on chiral solitary waves in an Aharonov-Bohm ring is now on arXiv! arXiv:2406.01732
May 27, 2024: Bill's work on non-Hermitian many-body physics has been featured in the website of AIMR! AIMR Research Highlight
May 23, 2024: US-China-Portugal-Japan collaboration on generalization of Landau levels is now on arXiv! arXiv:2405.14479
April 22, 2024: In collaboration with Yoshiro Takahashi lab in Kyoto University, we succeeded in forming Bose-Einstein condensation at a topological edge state. This is the atom version of the topological laser, i.e. topological atom laser. You can read more in our arXiv paper! arXiv:2404.13769
April 3, 2024: Collaboration with the Gadway group at the University of Illinois and Pennsylvania State University on Aharonov-Bohm caging with Rydberg atoms is now on arXiv! arXiv:2404.00737
April 1, 2024: Tomoki has been promoted to full professor!
March 31, 2024: Ryo left the group to join SOLIZE!
March 28, 2024: We have proven a new type of bulk-edge correspondence, which we call bulk-entanglement-spectrum correspondence, for topological insulators with PT or PC symmetry. Please check our paper on arXiv! arXiv:2403.18372
March 15, 2024: Tomoki has received Marubun Research Encouragement Award from Marubun Research Promotion Foundation!
March 7, 2024: With Nathan Goldman from Bruxelles, we wrote a pedagogical note explaining the relation between the many-body Chern number and the Hall conductivity. You can read it on arXiv! arXiv:2403.03340
March 1, 2024: Bruno's collaboration with experimentalists on quantum metrology is accepted for publication in National Science Review!
February 9, 2024: The paper on a charged particle in a two-dimensional lattice under an imaginary magnetic field is published in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 109, 085113 (2024)
February 1, 2024: Tomoki selected as the recipient of the 6th Teruo Hiruma Photonics Award by Research Foundation for Opto-Science and Technology!
January 17, 2024: Ryo's collaboration on non-Hermitian skin effect under nonsymmorphic symmetries is published in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 109, 035131 (2024)
January 9, 2024: The paper in which we studied properties of a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation coupled to density-dependent gauge field is now published in Physical Review Letters! Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 023401 (2024)
November 22, 2023: We succeeded in characterizing the many-body localization using a geometrical property of quantum states called many-body quantum metric. You can read the paper on arXiv! arXiv:2311.12280
October 19, 2023: Tomoki attended "2023 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship Annual Conference" held at the University of Hong Kong to receive the Asian Young Scientist Fellowship as one of the 12 inaugural fellows. You can find an article on the event here: https://www.hku.hk/press/news_detail_26709.html
October 13, 2023: Collaboration with Aalto University on the relation between Drude weight and many-body quantum metric is now published in Physical Review B as a Letter! Phys. Rev. B 108, L140503 (2023)
September 29, 2023: We propose how to detect the winding number in driven-dissipative setups, especially in the context of synthetic frequency dimensions. The paper is now on arXiv! arXiv:2309.16101
August 25, 2023: Collaboration with Urbana and Birmingham groups on the measurement of non-Hermitian adiabatic complex Berry phase is now published in Physical Review Research! Phys. Rev. Research 5, L032026 (2023)
August 12, 2023: Paper on topological Stiefel-Whitney and Euler insulators is published in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 108, 075129 (2023)
August 1, 2023: Collaboration with an experimental group in Chili on topological waveguide lattices is published in APL Photonics! APL Photonics 8, 080801 (2023)
July 29, 2023: Experimental collaboration with Urbana and Birmingham groups on mechanical metamaterial is published in Physical Review A! Phys. Rev. A 108, 012221 (2023)
July 28, 2023: Together with Tomoya Hayata from Keio University, we wrote a paper on two-dimensional lattices with an imaginary magnetic field. The paper is on arXiv now! arXiv:2307.14635
July 20, 2023: Together with Päivi Törmä and Grazia Salerno from Aalto University, we studied relations between superfluidity and many-body quantum metric in one-dimensional Bose systems. The paper is now on arXiv! arXiv:2307.10012
July 7, 2023: We studied properties of a discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation coupled to density-dependent gauge field. The paper is now on arXiv! arXiv:2307.02952
June 27, 2023: Enrico's paper (collaboration with Illinois and Birmingham groups) on nonlinear dynamics of non-Hermitian dimers is published in Physical Review E! Phys. Rev. E 107, 064211 (2023)
June 16, 2023: Ryo's collaboration paper on non-Hermitian skin effect under nonsymmorphic symmetries is now on arXiv! arXiv:2306.08923
April 30, 2023: Bruno left the group to become Junior Researcher with FCT CEEC grant at Instituto de Telecomunicações in Lisbon, Portugal!
April 17, 2023: We investigated the bulk-edge correspondence of Stiefel-Whitney and Euler insulators through entanglement spectrum. The paper is now on arXiv! arXiv:2304.06974
April 4, 2023: We proved uniqueness of the lowest Landau level. If you are curious what this means, check out our paper on arXiv! arXiv:2304.00866
April 3, 2023: Sana joined as a new secretary of our group!
February 8, 2023: Enrico's paper on nonlinear dynamics of a non-Hermitian system is now on arXiv! arXiv:2302.03572
January 13, 2023: Collaboration with an experimental group in Chili on topological waveguide lattices is now on arXiv! arXiv:2301.04189
December 21, 2022: Our paper on singular connection approach to resonant optical responses is published in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 106, 245134 (2022)
December 13, 2022: Bruno's paper on Laughlin states under strong geometry deformation is published in Communications in Mathematical Physics! Commun. Math. Phys. (2022)
November 3, 2022: Bruno's paper on quantum metric of degenerate bands is published in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 106, 165133 (2022)
October 26, 2022: Ryo's collaboration paper on surface plasmon is now on arXiv! arXiv:2210.13637
October 25, 2022: We proposed a model in which non-Hermitian topological energy spectrum is induced by inter-particle interactions, and the paper is now published in Physical Review Letters! Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 180401 (2022)
October 14, 2022: A paper in which we propose a connection alternative to the Berry connection, which we call the singular connection, is now on arXiv! We discuss its relation to optical transitions and the shift vector. arXiv:2210.06844
October 11, 2022: Enrico joined the group as a Visiting Scientist. He is a PhD student from the University of Birmingham. Welcome, Enrico!
October 4, 2022: Bruno's new paper on information geometry is published in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 106, 155101 (2022)
June 2, 2022: Bruno's collaboration paper with experimentalists on topology and quantum metrology is on arXiv! arXiv:2206.00546
May 20, 2022: A paper on band structures under periodic non-Hermitian potentials is publisihed in Physical Review B! Phys. Rev. B 105, 174108 (2022)
May 18, 2022: Bruno's new paper on quantum metric of degenerate bands is now on arXiv: arXiv:2205.07900
May 12, 2022: A paper on measurement of Quantum Fisher information is published in npj Quantum Information. The experiment is done in Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
May 6, 2022: A paper on the measurement of the adiabatic non-Hermitian Berry phase is now on arXiv! This work is a collaboration with Gadway group from UIUC and Price group from Birmingham. arXiv:2205.02700
April 18, 2022: Research of the group is featured in this month's issue of a Japanese magazine Yano E plus.
April 1, 2022: Ryo and Greta joined the group! Bill and Bruno finally arrived at Japan to properly join the group! Welcome all!
Here is the full member list of the group.
March 31, 2022: Ken left the group to become Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN!
March 2, 2022: New paper on band structures under periodic non-Hermitian potentials is on arXiv: arXiv:2203.00247
February 1, 2022: Bruno joined the group. Welcome Bruno!
January 19, 2022: Tomoki contributed a section to "Roadmap on Topological Photonics" which is now on arXiv, arXiv:2201.06315, and will be published in JPhys Photonics!
December 6, 2021: Ken's collaboration paper with Kyoto University on quantum walk is on arXiv: arXiv:2112.03167
September 1, 2021: Bill joined the group. Welcome Bill!
August 3, 2021: Ken's new paper on nonlinear Floquet topological edge states is on arXiv: arXiv:2108.00649
July 21, 2021: Collaboration with Gadway group at the University of Illinois and Price group from Birmingham on synthetic mechanical lattices is now on arXiv: arXiv:2107.09649
July 20, 2021: New paper with Bruno Mera on Chern insulators and quantum geometry is on arXiv: arXiv:2107.09039
May 31, 2021: New paper on realization of a synthetic dimension in a silicon ring-resonator is now on arXiv: arXiv:2105.13742. This is an experimental work done in collaboration with Yokohama National University and the University of Tokyo.
March 31, 2021: Feature Issue on Photonic Topological Materials in Optical Materials Express, in which Tomoki served as a guest editor, has been published online!
March 23, 2021: Two new papers about Chern insulators and the quantum volume are now on arXiv: arXiv:2103.11582 and arXiv:2103.11583